builder.Services.AddScoped<IProductService, ProductService>();
            builder.Services.AddScoped<ICategoryService, CategoryService>();

This code is configuring dependency injection in a .NET application, specifically using the AddScoped method.


AddScoped Method:

  • AddScoped is a method provided by the IServiceCollection interface in ASP.NET Core for registering services in the dependency injection (DI) container.
  • Scoped services are created once per request within the scope of the request. That means, for each HTTP request, a new instance of the service will be created and shared within that request.

IProductService and ProductService:

  • IProductService is an interface that defines the contract for a service that deals with product-related functionality.
  • ProductService is the concrete implementation of IProductService. It provides the actual implementation for the methods declared in the IProductService interface.

ICategoryService and CategoryService:

  • Similar to IProductService and ProductService, ICategoryService is an interface defining the contract for a service dealing with category-related functionality.
  • CategoryService is the concrete implementation of ICategoryService.

Registration in the DI Container:

  • These lines of code register the services in the DI container, associating the interfaces with their corresponding concrete implementations.
  • When a component in the application requests an instance of IProductService or ICategoryService, the DI container will provide an instance of ProductService or CategoryService, respectively.

Breakdown of the relationships:

  • IProductService defines the contract for product-related services.
  • ProductService provides the actual implementation for the product-related services.
  • ICategoryService defines the contract for category-related services.
  • CategoryService provides the actual implementation for the category-related services.

Services with AddScoped ensure that a new instance of each service is created for each incoming HTTP request, promoting a scoped lifecycle for these services within the context of a request.

By davs