When working with docker, it always get the iamge fro mthe docker repo, but I wondered, what if I could just get a raw OS image and create my own, locally. Well, this is the process.

Why? it’s FUN.

1. Get the .xyz image from

https://fedoraproject.org/cloud/download/ (ussually the “Fedora Cloud 38 Raw raw.xz”)

2. tools installation:

dnf install qemu-utils libguestfs-tools

3. Extract the raw image:

unxz Fedora-Cloud-Base-38-1.6.x86_64.raw.xz

4. Generate the tar.gz

virt-tar-out -a Fedora-Cloud-Base-38-1.6.x86_64.raw / - | gzip > f38.tar.gz

5. Create the docker image with the tag

docker import f38.tar.gz f38x:latest

6. Create the container

docker run -it --name app1 f38x /bin/bash

7. Create the app

docker start app1

8. Execute the container

docker exec -it app1 /bin/bash

By davs